Tinnitus Management

Tinnitus Counselling

It is estimated that around 7 million people in the UK suffer from Tinnitus. Tinnitus is the perception of an internal sound (very often ringing in the ears) within the ear or head. The majority of people who ‘have tinnitus’ will not be affected by it, others can find the condition life changing.

Tinnitus Consultations, Alresford Hearing Studio, Hampshire.

There are 2 main types of tinnitus:

Subjective Tinnitus

Subjective Tinnitus is the most common type of Tinnitus and is when the sound cannot be identified by a medical professional and is only heard by the patient. Very often this can be linked to a hearing loss or damage to the auditory system.

Objective Tinnitus

Objective Tinnitus is a sound that can be identified by both the patient and audiologist or their GP, this type of tinnitus can be rare and is often linked to a medical issue.

If Tinnitus is caused by an underlying medical condition treatment for the condition will often also resolve the tinnitus issue.

Most Tinnitus professionals are of the opinion that it is unlikely a cure for tinnitus will be developed in the near future, all forms of tinnitus can be treated by a Tinnitus professional who will provide a bespoke plan tailored to the patient's personal circumstances. These techniques can include sound therapy, relaxation, and CBT.

The Brigg Hearing Studio is a registered Tinnitus UK centre, which are a network of independent audiologist who specialise in Tinnitus advice and treatment using sound therapy via hearing aids.

Tinnitus Specialist, Winchester, Hampshire.

At the Brigg Hearing Studio we are fully committed to working with you to find the optimum hearing solutions and therapies available that will provide long-term and consistent Tinnitus relief for you.

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