What is Hearing Loss?

What is Hearing Loss?

Hearing Loss is a reduction in the ability to hear certain sounds, normally this is  gradual and can be related to the ageing process. Hearing Loss is very common in adults and reportedly affects 750 million people worldwide.

Because the majority of hearing loss is gradual it is not always noticeable to the sufferer and very often it is family or loved ones who first notice someone may have a hearing problem. Hearing loss is not always gradual although sometimes a hearing problem could be something as simple as an ear wax blockage within the ear canal.

Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss is much more common than you may think: Did you know that 1 in 6 people over the age of 18 suffer from some type of Hearing Loss, below is a list of typical symptoms of hearing loss:

Do you frequently ask others to repeat themselves?
A common sign is asking other to repeat what they have said, Very often people report it is much easier to hear what someone is saying if you are able to ‘lip read’. If you find you need to be facing somebody to hear what they are saying, this could be a sign you are suffering from a hearing loss.

Is the TV turned up Loud?
If others you watch television with are commenting that the volume of the television is far too loud, this is very common in people suffering a high frequency hearing loss. If you are struggling to hear your favorite programmes clearly it is time to get a hearing test.

Trouble Hearing In Background Noise?
The is the most common symptom of a hearing loss, do you struggle trying to hear what others are saying in a busy restaurant or a café, if so a hearing test is recommended.

Do you tell others they are mumbling?
One of the most common comments we hear at The Brigg Hearing Studio is that 'people don’t speak clearly anymore', or 'people talk to fast these days'. If you find people are mumbling it could be related to a hearing loss.

Ringing In your Ears
Tinnitus or the perception of hearing a ring or buzzing within the ears can often be a sign of a hearing loss.

Do others comment to you about your Hearing?
Because the majority of hearing loss is gradual it is not always noticeable to the sufferer and very often is family or loved ones who first notice someone may have a hearing problem. If other are constantly telling you your hearing is bad it could be a good time to arrange a hearing test.

Types of Hearing Loss

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss. It is commonly caused by the natural ageing process called presbycusis, other factors for a sensorineural hearing loss can be:

  • Exposure to prolonged periods of loud noise such as music or industrial workers, Farming or people that regularly go Shooting.
  • Injury or head trauma can cause sensorineural hearing loss
  • Ototoxic medications
  • Hereditary condition inherited from family members.

Conductive Hearing Loss

A less common type of hearing loss is a conductive hearing loss, this generally occurs when there is an issue with the middle or outer ear. The pathway for the sounds to travel into the inner ear are obstructed by an object or damage to the middle ear. A conductive hearing loss can be temporary if it is caused by a problem such as Ear Wax.

The Most common types of conductive hearing loss are listed below:

  • Narrowing of the ear canal – this can be caused by bony exotosis which are bony growths within the ear canal
  • Impacted Earwax – When a build up of earwax blocks the ear canal so sounds cannot travel down to the tympanic membrane.
  • Otitis Externa or Otitis Media – Ear infections in the outer or middle ear.
  • Perforated Tympanic membrane – Can be caused by a trauma to the eardrum, a rapid change in pressure from the outer to middle ear, or a middle ear infection.
  • Otosclerosis – An issue with the transfer of sounds from the eardrum through the middle ear.

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